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发表日期:2024-07-28 12:35:00 丨 浏览次数: 丨 编辑:思维




①: 网站建设阶段

Domain Name (域名): The unique address of a website, such as example.

Web Hosting (网络托管): The service that stores website files and makes them accessible via the internet.

CMS (内容管理系统): Content Management System, software that facilitates content creation, editing, and maintenance.

Frontend Development (前端开发): The development of the visual and interactive parts of a website that users interact with directly.

Backend Development (后端开发): The development of the server-side of a website, handling databases, scripts, and server interactions.

UIUX Design (用户界面用户体验设计): Designing interfaces and experiences that users have while navigating a website.

Responsive Design (响应式设计): Design approach that ensures a website looks good and functions well on all devices and screen sizes.

SEO (搜索引擎优化): Search Engine Optimization, techniques used to increase a website's visibility and ranking in search engines.

②: 网站管理要素

Content Strategy (内容策略): Planning and managing the creation, delivery, and governance of content.

Website Analytics (网站分析): Tools and metrics used to analyze and measure website performance and visitor behavior.

SSL Certificate (SSL证书): Secure Sockets Layer certificate that encrypts data transmitted between a website and its users.

Backup and Restore (备份与恢复): Regularly saving copies of website data to prevent data loss and facilitate recovery.

Maintenance (维护): Regular updates, bug fixes, and improvements to keep a website secure, functional, and optimized.

E-commerce Integration (电子商务集成): Incorporating online shopping functionality into a website, including payment gateways and inventory management.

③: 国际交流与合作

Project Scope (项目范围): The detailed description of the work needed to complete a website project, including goals, deliverables, features, and tasks.

Client Communication (客户沟通): Clear and consistent communication with clients regarding project progress, updates, and feedback.

Quality Assurance (质量保证): Processes and standards to ensure the final website meets quality expectations and requirements.

Cross-cultural Understanding (跨文化理解): Awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences that may impact website design preferences and business practices.

④: 合作促进

Collaboration Tools (协作工具): Software and platforms used for remote collaboration, project management, and communication.

Team Coordination (团队协调): Ensuring effective coordination and cooperation among team members with diverse roles and responsibilities.

Problem Solving (问题解决): Addressing challenges and issues that arise during website development and management effectively and efficiently.

Feedback Incorporation (反馈整合): Integrating client and user feedback into website design and functionality improvements.

Continuous Improvement (持续改进): Iteratively refining and enhancing the website based on analytics, user feedback, and technological advancements.



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